Channel: Desktop topics
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Is it possible to import a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 project to Power BI

Is it possible to import a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 project to Power BI. I have a project in Visual Studio with many tabels and calculations etc. Can I import this project automatic til Power Bi...

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SUMIF for Power BI - Newbie question

Hi, I have two tables with id's that can be linked. On table 1, I have one unqiue ID per row. On table 2 I have a varying amount of rows per ID: Table 1 Table 2 ID        ID Profit/Loss188       188...

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Visual locking in Reports

Hi All,  I have a few PBI reports written that contain many visuals (some just used for labelling and additional information) Ideally I'd like to be able to prevent them from being focused on when...

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Limit Endless X-Axis to date

Hi there, I have a couple of graphs which gets values from measure in the future. Because of this, graphs go on endlessly. My field of business is Recruitment and I have added formula-examples that I'm...

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How to hold values in variables while populating a column?

Hello. Im trying to create a table that will replace cell values based on previous value for each itemID.Row 1 should be 0, because there is no value yet, row 2 gets a value and row 3 should get the...

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Universal slicer?

I assume its not possible, since I've exhaustively looked for a way to do it, but I have 3 pages of data and, ideally, I would like for a single slicer to filter the controls on all 3 pages instead of...

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Lack of Alignment Precision

I have noticed that Power BI does not seem to be WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) because although my cartesian coordinates state that all of my slicers should be perfectly matched up, visually...

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Tiles will not resize or move after using Import from excel in new Feb...

Once an imprt form excel is completed tiles cannot be resized or moved in the new update.  I imported a data model built in excel and have the most current update on my machine for PBI desktop.  Please...

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IF Function not working

Hi Experts,I try an If function and it seems I am missing a very basic point.The IF function is in the calculated column 'FilteredLevel' and referes to a calculated measure:   Since LevelH1 is not "L5"...

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Multiple LOOKUPVALUE dates

Hi all, I'm an avid user of Excel for prototyping before moving onto Power BI or custom build dashboards, but seem to be getting stuck at something pretty simple here when moving this project on... Two...

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Calculating number of weeks between 2 columns

Hi, I have a calculated column which tells me the number of weeks a staff member worked for the company. Length of Service = DATEDIFF(vw_CarersAll[StartDate],vw_CarersAll[DateLeft],WEEK) What's tricky...

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How to create an input object and a variable?

I need to make available in a dashboard where there is the possibility of the user imputing information and this information will interact with a measure and that finally this measurement will be...

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IF three condition.

I have a measure in which I need depending on the percentage range, show an image that is on the web, so far only the one that showed me 1 image, does not fit into the other conditions.  I have a...

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How do I visualize only the latest date?

I have a table that will be updated weekly with the latest numbers (told sold, revenue, commission). It's updated weekly based on weeks out from the deadline.I would love to create guages, cards, or...

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Dax Filter - Two values in the filter from same column not rendering

YTD New TIV Policy Effective Date :=CALCULATE (    SUM ( 'FactPolicyCoverage'[CoverageAmount] ),    DATESYTD ( 'PolicyEffectiveDimDay'[PolicyEffectiveDayDate] ),    'DimNewRenewal'[NewRenewalStatus] =...

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Convert date ranges into list of dates?

Hi all, I have a table with 2 columns, start date and end date of sales campaigns but I need to convert the range into a list of dates, ie one column of all dates we have been on sale. Any ideas how...

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change the color of the data value of "card component" dynamically based on a...

Hi, Is it possible to change the color of the data value in "card component" based on some condition.Eg: if the count is 0, color is black. If > 0, color is red? Thanks in advance!

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groups, bins, clustering and SSAS

Group, bin, and Cluster functionality is great but this type of analysis is not available when hitting an SSAS cube (either OLAP or Tabular).  When will this functionality be available for SSAS data...

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Adjust numeric formats for aggregates inside tooltip

I've been looking around to see if this question has already been answered but I'm not finding it if it is. I'm trying to set the nunber of decimal places for aggregated columns in the tooltip. The...

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Excel dropes 00 from a cell. this is become hectic for typing international...

I have formated the cell as text, it record the number as scitific.I want to entre international phone number with 0044, but it just drop the 00the only way it works if put a custom format, but...

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