I am looking to calculate Current Month-to-Date and Week-to-Date, as well as compare it to Previous Month-To-Date and Previous Week-to-Date. I already have the Year-to-Date calculations that are correct, but I'm not so sure on the MTD and the WTD ones:
Current YTD Sales = CALCULATE(sum(Sales[Sales]),YEAR(Sales[Created Date])=YEAR(TODAY()))
Current MTD Sales = CALCULATE(sum(Sales[Sales]),MONTH(Sales[Created Date])=MONTH(TODAY()))
(Not sure if this is correct, since there a multiple years in the data. It could be pulling in the same month from not just this year but from the other years)
Current WTD Sales = CALCULATE(sum(Sales[Sales]),WEEKNUM(Sales[Created Date])=WEEKNUM(TODAY()))
(will this calculate accurately, with Monday or Sunday being the start of the week?)
Previous YTD Sales = CALCULATE(
sum(Sales[Sales]),YEAR(Sales[Created Date])=YEAR(TODAY())-1,
FILTER(ALL(Sales[Created Date]),
'Sales'[Created Date]<=DATE(YEAR(TODAY())-1,MONTH(TODAY()),DAY(TODAY())))
Previous MTD Sales = CALCULATE(
sum(Sales[Sales]),MONTH(Sales[Created Date])=MONTH(TODAY())-1,
FILTER(ALL(Sales[Created Date]),
'Sales'[Created Date]<=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY())-1,DAY(TODAY())))
Previous WTD Sales = CALCULATE(
sum(Sales[Sales]),WEEKNUM(Sales[Created Date])=WEEKNUM(TODAY())-1,
FILTER(ALL(Sales[Created Date]),
'Sales'[Created Date]<=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY()),DAY(TODAY())-6))
(not sure about the Previous WTD Sales is accurate either)
Can someone please let me know if all these formulas look accurate?