I have two tables T1 and T2; T1 has an id column that has unique values, T2 has a calculated column that I created as follows:
Column = IF(VALUE(T2[sprint_id]) = BLANK(), VALUE(1595), VALUE(T2[sprint_id]))
I am specifying M:1 relationship between T1 and T2 using the columns id and Column above.
There is a description column (desc) in T1 that I would like to pull into a report with Column (and some other columns from T2). When I select the desc column from T1 in the fields, it repeats all the T1 values for each Column entry in T2 (so if T2's cardinality is X and T1's Y, I end up with a table of cardinality X*Y)
So, it looks like Power BI desktop is cross joining T1 and T2. Why does it not respect the M:1 relationship?