Hey there,
I'm importing a data from a Dynamics CRM source. But since it's a pretty big source, it ends up that it gets too slow or even returns with some kind of error.
To solved it, I have selected only couple columns I need.
But now, I need to configure it in a way to bring less data filtering by variable. For example, in a year column (containing 2014, 2015, 2016 ie), I need to filter it only by 2016. I know I could import all data and then use a filter in a next step; but this would load 2014, 2015, which are useless for my analysis.
Follow the code I have changed (its in portugues). The name of the colummns are in green and the name of the table is red.
Origem = let
Origem = OData.Feed("https://XXXXXXXX.crm2.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/OpportunitySet?$select=Name, affero_quantidade, affero_Valor, affero_valor_total_oportunidade, CustomerId, OwnerId, new_ProbabilidadedaOportunidadeAberta, affero_produto, affero_bu, new_VendaCross, StepName, StateCode, EstimatedCloseDate, affero_ano, affero_data_retorno"),
OpportunitySet_table = Origem{[Name="OpportunitySet",Signature="table"]}[Data]
I want something like this: affero_ano = 2016
Thanks in advance,
João Pedro