Okay I have defined some measures that get me certain values in this case
A debugging version of my measure looks like this
Is In Funding Period := if(HASONEVALUE(Projects[ProjectCode]),
[Finish Date] & ">=" & [Funding Period Start] & "& " & [Start Date] & "<" & [Funding Period Finish] & " --> " &
if(([Finish Date] >= [Funding Period Start]) && ([Start Date] < [Funding Period Finish]),
"In Period",
"Not In Period"
Now the measures
[Start Date]
[Finish Date]
[Funding Period Start]
[Funding Period Finish]
The measure as defined above works fine giving the appropriate values required.
I wanted to use it in a visual filter on power BI though and a Measure would not cut it (See other post ;-) ). I therefore thought okay I will create a calculated column, which I definded as
InPeriod=[In In Funding Period]
Now the row is evaluate in Row context so should (in my head at least just work) but what I got was this (column left: measure right)
The data measures seem to evaluate correctly on both and yet the column always decided Not. Even if the comparison were being done as strings this should not happen so I'm stumped. If I transfer the same code into the column definition it all works as I expect.
What is going on here?