I am hoping someone can assist.
I have 2 tables of data Table A has all the data contained within it and Table B has unique fields - the relationship is Many to One.
Table A has Columns 'Name', 'Hours Worked', 'Date Logged' and 'Project'
Table B has Columns 'Name', 'Base Day Rate' and 'Base Hourly Rate'
The calcualtion I want is to show the 'Total Cost per Person' - the calculation I did use to start with was:
Total Cost per Person = SUM('TableA'[Hours_Worked]) * SUM('Table B'[Base_Hourly_Rate]), this was then broken down by individual and date logged (please take into account 1 individual has a number of entries against a single day, as they are allocating time against tasks e.g. Person 1 logs 4 entries for 01/06/2016 equating to a total of 7 hours. Using the calculation, I hoped to see how much each task has cost.)
This was showing very weird calculations! As an example, the month of June should have shown a total of £435,653.85 but though Power BI it shows £36,269,076.87!
I am new to Power BI and using DAX, so apolgies if I am missing something obvious but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks