I'm trying to build a guage to compare the sum of last week's sessions with the average sum of the past two weeks.
For Example:
Week One: 10 Page Hits
Week Two: 20 Page Hits
So; Last Week's Sum of Page hit's is 10.
And the Last Two Week's Sum's Average by Week is (10+20/2) = 15
I've given it a try using dateadd, datesinperiod, datesbetween and fiddling around with some EARLIER or Date[DateKey]-28 for example; but since I need it on a rolling basis; we can't simply choose between a specific start and end date.
If I try to do:
Past Two Weeks Sum Average = Calculate(Sum(NumberofSessions), DATESINPERIOD (NumberofSessionsDateTable, TODAY(), -14, DAY))
It returns me of course the sum of the past two weeks.
I've thought of maybe breaking it up and using measures and some addition and subtraction to make it work; but I get stuck with the same issue of how for example to choose between -7 and -14 day interval on a rolling basis.
I'd prefer not to have to dynamically filter a bunch of tables to do this as I want to compare over a few different periods (enough so that it would take ages).
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.