I have this DAX Code: and it quadrupled my value, is there something wrong with double crossjoins?
Get Total Hours = SELECTCOLUMNS( FILTER( CROSSJOIN(table_c, FILTER( CROSSJOIN(table_a,table_b), table_a[employee_id] = table_b[employee_id] && table_a[start_date] >= table_b[date_effective_start] && table_a[start_date] <= table_b[date_effective_end] && table_a[start_date] >= table_b[date_production] ) ), table_a[str_buid_state_code] = table_c[str_buid_state_code] && table_a[start_date] >= table_c[date_effective_start] && table_a[start_date] <= table_c[date_effective_end] ), "Field Name 1", table_a[start_date], "Field Name 2", table_a[employee_id], "Field Name 3", table_b[supvsr_id], "Field Name 4", table_c[sys_description],"Field Name 5", table_a[duration], //this value Quadrupled "Field Name 6", table_c[flag_a], "Field Name 7", table_b[id_dept], "Field Name 8", table_b[id_role], "Field Name 1", table_b[flag_active_employee] )