This is difficult to explain, but i am trying to make a visual level filter inside of a page level filter, and a ranking function that will only look at the page level filter.
If i have 100 companies that sell clothes, and i am only interested in 50 of them. I have a page level filter that only views that 50 i want to compare against each other. Then i have a visual that just says "Shirts" for instance. I want a visual level filter where I can select only one company inside of the 50 companies and the table will show my the companies rank in their price for the shirt among all 50 companies. Right now, when i select a company in my visual level filter it always shows ranked 1, because it is removing the other 49 companies from the page level filter in the analysis.
Can anyone explain the logic behind nested filters in this way, how could i have a rank function that ignores the visual level filter, but looks at the page level filters?