I'm new to power Bi, and have just tested the matrix visualization.
Can someone guide me how can I present percent of each cell (besides its absoulte value).
I have created a measure for Percent that shows for each cell its relative percent from the total row sum.
However since I have a slicer than when while filtering the data I still see the same percent as if I didn't filter the data.
I have a table holding consumption of 4 different medicines.
This is the measure I used for the percent of each cell.
Divide(Sum(MedsTable[Customers]), Calculate(Sum(MedsTable[customers]),All(MedsTable[TypeMed])))
TypeMed is also the slicer input (4 optional values - the meds types).
This is the matrix Pattern.
MedType1 Medtype2 Medtype3 Medtype4 Total
hospA 50 (0.25) 10 (0.05) 100 (0.5) 40 (0.2) 200
hospB ... ... ... ...
HospC ...
When choose from the slicer TypeMed3 and TypeMed4, the relative columns 1 and 2 dissapear as expected but TypeMed3's and TypeMed4's percentage shown don't change accordingly.
I want the "new total" in this situation be 100 + 40 = 140 resulting from Typemed3 and 4. and the percentage be 100/140 and
40/140 respectively (besides the absoulte values 100 and 40 which are shown correctly).
Thanks in advance