Hi All,
I'am creating a new column in which I want to be able to determine if a project is active.
A project is active when:
Startdate is <= today and when the enddate is >= today. But sometimes the enddate is not filled.
If that is the case, the formula must look at a second value (End_Date_PO_Sub_agreement), when the second value is not filled the formula has to check a third value (Expected_Project_End_Date).
In some cases all the values are filled and then the priority must be the enddate.
Active projects = IF(Placement[cxsrec__Start_date__c] <= TODAY() && Placement[cxsrec__End_date__c] >= TODAY(); "active" ; IF(Placement[cxsrec__Start_date__c] <= TODAY() && Placement[Expected_Project_End_Date_TMC__c] >= TODAY(); "active" ; IF(Placement[cxsrec__Start_date__c] <= TODAY() && Placement[End_Date_PO_Sub_agreement__c] >= TODAY(); "active" ; BLANK())))
Any ideas would be much appericated. Thanks for any and all help in advance!