Hi everyone,
Could you help to understand the following behavior and how to deal with this:
I have a simple structure with one fact table and two dimensions with both direction relations:
And I have a report with two slicers from dimension tables (State Name and Client Name), and one slicer for test - ClientKey directly from the Fact table:
It is filtered by the 'Client Name' dimension slicer with Client = 5
When I added a simple measure to the fact table, for example M_Value = 10, the table is not filtered by StateKey, but Client Name slicer is still 5 and State Name slicer is filtered:
And when I check ClientKey directly from the Fact table it works as expected:
Don't understand why relations do not work between fact table and dimensions when I use measure.
In fact, I need the measure of BKFC total, to calculate further the percentage of BKFC to BKFC Total.
To calculate percent I use the next measure:
BKFCPercent = var bigTotal = SUMX(ALL(FactTable[StateKey]), CALCULATE(SUM(FactTable[BKFC]))) return divide(sum(FactTable[BKFC]), bigTotal)
But the table is not filtered by StateKey as well.
Have I missed something?