i have an problem to convert simple text to a date since today, and i dont know why. (it worked till yesterday)
i have the following rows / dax formula:
This is the row i need to convert. If i change the format, i get an error. (text to date not possible)
So, i used these formulas to extract part of the dates and put it together.
Jahr = PATHITEM(SUBSTITUTE(StandardVerkauf[Verkaufsvorgang.Vorgangsdatum];"-";"|");1)
Monat = PATHITEM(SUBSTITUTE(StandardVerkauf[Verkaufsvorgang.Vorgangsdatum];"-";"|");2)
Datum = StandardVerkauf[Monat] & "." & StandardVerkauf[Jahr]
Jahr = Year, Monat = Month, Datum = Date (translation)
This results in this
The row Datum is set to Date Format and it worked perfectly till today. When i now update / refreseh my dataset, i get the following error for the column Datum.
Translation: The Value "." of type text can not be converted to the type date.
Same if i try to convert only the year.
Datum = StandardVerkauf[Jahr]
Same error.
Can someone help me please?