Hi all,
I have a dataset displaying the P&L for different periods/types.
The columns show the values for: Previous Year, Actuals, Forecast, Dec Forecast, etc.
Rows show the accounts: Sales, Margin, etc.
I am trying to display this information on a Matrix Visualization.
What we would like to do is for example to use as rows Sales, Margin and "create" a third row with a measure of the margin percentage for each one of the scenarios, which are displayed in columns. The idea is that this calculation would vary according to any filters that are applied.
Accounts | Previous Year | Actuals | Forecast | Dec Forecast
Sales 100 100 100 100
GM 20 30 40 55
% GM 20% 30% 40% 55%
Does anyone have an idea how to do it or if it is possible to be done?
Thank you,