Hello everyone.
I have the following sample table:
REF PROD REVEN jan/17 A 10 jan/17 B 20 jan/17 C 30 fev/17 A 7 fev/17 B 8 fev/17 C 9 mar/17 A 5 mar/17 B 30 mar/17 C 21 abr/17 A 56 abr/17 B 21 abr/17 C 4 mai/17 A 8 mai/17 B 9 mai/17 C 13 jun/17 A 25 jun/17 B 32 jun/17 C 14 jul/17 A 65 jul/17 B 89 jul/17 C 14 ago/17 A 1 ago/17 B 36 ago/17 C 54 set/17 A 65 set/17 B 5 set/17 C 47
Which provides me with the scenario on the screen shot.
Im able to get the % for A, B or C using the "% REVENUE" metric, but not in the way i need. Its considering the subtotal. and i need the result thas being showed on the screen shot on the left side (colored one), where "jan/17 - A" is being divided by the grand total, and the final result is everyone % summed being 100%.