Here is my current formula:
Today or Last Business Day = IF(date(year(DateDimension[DateKey]),month(DateDimension[DateKey]),day(DateDimension[DateKey]))=TODAY(),"Today")
This will display "Today" in the column, which I then can use as a "Page Filter". I also need "Last Business Day", which will display "Last Business Day" on the day prior that is not a holiday or weekend. Now, I have created a column, "WorkingDays" that puts a "0" on weekends and holidays and a "1" on all other days. That formula is not pretty but it works: (try not to make too much fun of it)
WorkingDays = IF (OR (DateDimension[DayOfWeek] = 7, DateDimension[DayOfWeek] = 1), 0, if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("01/01/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("03/25/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("05/30/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("07/04/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("09/05/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("11/24/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("11/25/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("12/23/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("12/26/2016"),0,if(DateDimension[DateKey] = value("12/30/2016"),0,1)))))))))))
Anyway, I need to expand on the "Today or Last Business Day" formula to put the word "Last Business Day" in the yellow highlighted area if a "1" is in the "WorkingDays" column. Thanks for your help.