Hello friends,
I have a simple shared Excel file on OneDrive for Business (shared with anyone = "guest link")
I want to import it as a source with my query.
When I do this:
= Excel.Workbook(Web.Contents("https://team8industrial-my.sharepoint.com/personal/michaelshparber_team8industrial_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=xd5UnOK6CLeeo94iCjtZVHffuB%2bdmuTW%2bV6XqMDI7hA%3d&docid=085f512c70d694f3eaacda9d161d59e1e&rev=1"), null, true)
I get error message:
DataFormat.Error: The input URL is invalid. Please provide a URL to the file path on SharePoint up to the file name only (with no query or fragment part).
Maybe I can alter the link somehow?
Please help
Thank you