Hi All,
I am facing an issue while creating a DAX calculated measure in tabular model SQL Server 2014.
The dimension table has data like
CategoryCode TypeCode ItemCode ItemSize
C1 P1 1 S
C1 P1 2 M
C1 P1 3 L
C2 P2 4 S
C2 P2 5 M
C3 P3 6 S
C3 P3 7 M
I want to write a DAX expression to calculate
(if count of TypeCodes which fall under CategoryCode C1 and C2 and ItemSize in S,M,L)<>0 then "FR"
((if count of TypeCodes which fall under CategoryCode C1 and C2 and ItemSize in S,L)<>0) AND ((if count of TypeCodes which falls under CategoryCode C1 and C2 and ItemSize in M)=0 then "PR")
Kindly help me in implementing this logic.
Thank You.
DAX count based on multiple conditions of multiple columns