The Custom Visual Timeline Slicer Does not appear to work when using SSAS Multi Dimensional as source.
I am refering to the visualisation expressed in the following blog entry... https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/visual-awesomeness-unlocked-the-timeline-slicer/
I downloaded the visualisation and the sample Power BI pbix file showed this visualisation working beautifully. This Power BI file is using the In Memory Model.
However I am doing some work for a key customer at the moment and their architecture is to point a Power BI connection to an SSAS Multidimensional 2014 SP 2 cube.
When I got an error I tried the same with the AdventureWorks 2014 Multi dimensional model cube and the same error was returned. I also tried performing a SQL Server Profiler trace and I did not find anything meaningful within this trace log.
So as soon as I select any value within this custom visual timeline slicer the display of any visual within the same reporting pane changes to "Can't display the visual"
Please find attached screen shots.
Note the non custom visual date slicer appears to work perfectly.
Kind Regards,