I want to sum the volume of deliveries that has date of deliveries creation(Data Cri ajust) lower than a certan day(Data base) AND has shipping date(Data formatada fat) higher than that that specific day.
I manage to get here:
Volume remessas vivas = sumx(filter(CV_BILLINGLOGGSB;CV_BILLINGLOGGSB[Data Cri ajust]<Planilha1[Data base]);CV_BILLINGLOGGSB[Volume Faturado])
Then I tryed to use AND, but got an error:
Volume remessas vivas = sumx(filter(CV_BILLINGLOGGSB;CV_BILLINGLOGGSB[Data Cri ajust]<Planilha1[Data base] and CV_BILLINGLOGGSB[Data formatada fat]>Planilha1[Data base]);CV_BILLINGLOGGSB[Volume Faturado])
Can I use the "filter" function inside the "sumx" for 2 or more parameters?
If yes, how?