I have a table of projects, expenses and budgets. I wanted to calculated variance from budget then do some filtering on those that are say 10,000 under budget. I have run into a few problems
I used a new column of Variance = table1[actuals ytd] - table1[budget ytd]
However if there are multiple lines for a project I get the variance per line when I need it aggregated at the project level.
I get:
Proj1 Amount1 variance 1
Proj1 Amount2 variance 2
Proj1 Amount3 variance 3
Proj2 Amount4 variance 4
Proj2 Amount5 variance 5
Proj2 Amount6 variance 6
Proj2 Amount7 variance 7
I really just need Project 1 and Project 2 the variances aggregated.
Seems like it should be simple, but looks to be hard.
then after i would want to be able to filter on variance totals.
Any thoughts?