I have a huge table with expances on business areas and dates (year and month) and I have a report where I calculate a lot of things using sliders to filter data on certain business area and year and month (example: year 2016, month 6, area Y). Tricky part is that one of the business areas are like support and it should be allocated on other business areas. How I do that? I try to use allexept but it doesn't work like I assume. Does some one have an idea how I can do things what I want?
BA 1 Month 6 Year 2016 sum 6
BA 2 Month 6 Year 2016 sum 4
BA S Month 6 Year 2016 sum 10
On month 6 and year 2016
BA1 = 11
BA2 = 9
(BAS splitted 50-50 on BA1 and BA2)
I try to count BAS like calculate(sum(table[sum]);allexepted(table;table[month];table[year])) but it does not give me I right numbers.