Hello, I have a few question about power bi embedded setting for desktop.
Could someone help me here? Thank you !!!!!!
My boss and their boss want to use PowerBI embedded. (It's a good tool for using power bi friendly use)
Q1: But it has some problem when I setting step here by
0. I got a Workspace Collection name, and Access Key for another team.
1 Then .I've downloaded the PowerBI-embedded.sln, renewed NuGET package
and select option 5, Provision a new workspace in an existing workspace collection.
The error happened.
But i saw the video and step on web,
https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MostafaElzoghbi/Power-BI-Embedded-Explained-Part-2 ,
it won't have the problem. QmQ
2.Is there anything I missed aetting here? QQ
Ooops, something broke: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred
while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: 遠端伺服器傳回一個錯誤:
(407) 必須 Proxy 驗證。
Thank you so much!