Below is an interesting discovery in filter transition visual - HierarchySlicer. In fact, what you see in the visual as a filter does not always mean what you see as filter is what has been applied to your model.
So below is a simple sample model, containing ProductHierarchy, ConvRtoBaseUOM and PurchaseOrder tables.
And the relationship is shown as below. Each product has its own configuration. Logistics uses purchase unit of measure all the time. Sales department could be using a different one, etc etc. ConvRtoBaseUOM table in this model provides a conversion rate for us to obtain what's ordered in base unit of measure from purchase unit of measure. (Qty in base UOM = [Conv Rate of Purch. to Base] * [Qty in Purch. UOM])
Now let's create all the measures we need in the model. They are:-
1. Conv Rate of Purch. to Base UOM = SUM(ConvRtoBaseUOM1[ConvRtoBaseUOM])
2. Purchase Qty in Base UOM = [Conv Rate of Purch. to Base UOM]*[Purch.QtySum]
3. Purch.QtySum = SUM(PurchaseOrder[PurchaseQty])
Let's imagine here. If you are a logisitc manager, you will need to make sure all stocks to remain at a healthy stock level. So you want to have a look at the top selling product 00001. You then punch 00001 in the search bar of the HierarchySlicer visual below. And very naturally, you click on the "AUS-00001". The lower table then starts the converting qty from purchase uom to base uom.
As you are very familiar with the very popular product "AUS-00001", you notice something unusual here. You then go back to the ConvRtoBaseUOM table, only to find out that the conversion rate is 1, instead of what has been shown below as 3.
Curiouser and curiouser, hey? You add another Matrix visual to the right as shown below. Ahahhh! WHY AUS-00002 and AUS-00003 haven't been filtered out by searching "00001" and clicking only to "AUS-00001".
That is to say, what you are seeing here is not believing, right? Pretty deceiving!
A workaround will be swapping the HierarchySlicer for the Slicer visual which allows only one field, consequently killing out the possiblities miss-choosing unwanted products. Print screen is shown below in Workaround-change2SlicerVisual.
If you do not want to change the HierarchySlicer visual, you will need to visually see any other products under the same brand as "AUS-00001" does are being unticked. This time, search bar is left blank purposely. Print screen is shown below in Workaround-KeepHierarchySlicer.
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