Can anyone explain to me why when using this clustered chart a line total, which is many cases is higher than the bar, is shown LOWER than the bar? I can tell it must have something to do with scaling between each (actual vs budget) but I can't for the life of me figure out why it's shown this way or worse - how to fix it?!? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Also, I wanted to upload a picture of the chart but could not figure out how one can do that? The chart basically looks like this:
Type 2016-01 2016-02 2016-03
Actual 13606 13052 13357
Budget 13547 13110 13547
^ in this post denotes 'greater than'
Result Act>Bgt Bgt>Act Bgt>Act
Chart Act>Bgt Act>Bgt Act>Bgt
As mentioned, I think the issue may be scaling because actual shows scaling of 0-14K while budget shows scaling o 12-14K. I gather that maybe it's related to underlying data but I have not found any data in actuals that are zero.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give to me.