I have a column of country codes that can occurs many times (us, ca, us, us, au, etc). I have another column with 2 words of text describing things about the country (nice + sunny, cold + rainy, etc):
1, us, warm + sunny
2, ca, cold + icy
In another table (related by id) I have a measure that calculates the growth (current month count - prev month count) based on the submitted date:
1, 2nd Jan 2016
2, 4th Dec 2016
If I do a chart with:
Axis: CountryCode
Value: Growth
Then Order by growth desc, then select the top value ('ca', 120%), I can have a word cloud that shows the top word combination that people used to describe 'ca'. If I limit the word cloud to a single result, it shows the most common combination, 'cold + snowy'.
I want to do the same, but using DAX. How to I extract this value 'cold + snowy' without having the user have to actually click the top value in the chart? I.e I want to show in the middle of the report, the most common words used in the fastest growing country.