Hi All,
My Fisical year starts from July 1st untill Jun 30ty of the next year.
for exmaple the date 01-APR-2016 in in year 2016 but in fisical year 2015 (wich starts from 01-July-2015 and ends at 30-Jun-2016.
I am trying to have the YTD and previous YTD to work but, I need it to calculate up to the last load date for current YTD and up to the last load date minus 1 year, for the YTD of the privious year.
since my date table has values later then the current date (aka sysdate), when I apply the SAMEPIRIODLASTYEAR to the YTD of the current year, I get values later then the current sysdate minus 1 year.
my measures :
TotalYTD_Fisical =
VAR CurrentDate=NOW()
TotalYTD_Fisical-PrevYear =
I would have expected to see from the start of the red rectangle till the end the same value as from 201611 prev year : 148,521,637
what am I misssing ?