Hello dear community,
I have a couple of questions and ask for your help.
I have a table with orders and open/closed dates:
1) we want to compare the number of orders(=number of References) with last year, if possible filtering it after Month/Quarter and show it in bar graph like here(this is just an example):
it should compare for example the number of References in Quarter1 2016 to Quarter 1 2015.
I tried to make a measure
Previous Year References = CALCULATE(COUNT(Table1[References]); PREVIOUSYEAR(Table1[Open date]))
and then compare it with number of references, but I get a warning, because COUNT function can operate only with numbers, but no Strings.
what is it possible to make here?
2) A question to column "spent hours":
I made a measure to find the average time, spent for one order: AverageTime=AVERAGE(Table1[spent days]).
Now I'd like to show this average time "30 days" as a baseline and show the number of orders that exceed 30 days(or on the contrary have less than 30 days), what visual would be the most efficient here and what additional measures would I need?
3) to show "how many orders(=number of References) have Closed Date(in %)" I have made a measure:
Orders closed = COUNT(Table1[Closed date])/COUNT(Table1[Open date])*100
Is it a correct DAX formula?
4) and a general question to date filters:
in my table I have only these two columns with open and closed date.
To make it possible to filter after Month and Quarter I made additional two columns: Closed Date_Month and Closed Date_Quarter.
Then I can use them as date slicers like here:
If I use date as a side filter in Power BI, it gives me only Year, but no Months or Quarters:
What is the best possibility here to filter after Quarter/Year?
I would appreciate any advice! thanks a lot!