Hello everyone,
I have a column which defines each row like below.
Column =IF(V_OKM_0[Periyod]<601;"Active";"Passive")
then, I show percentage of "Passive" on a card.
Measure = CALCULATE(SUM(V_OKM_0[Pasif])/(SUM(V_OKM_0[Aktif])+SUM(V_OKM_0[Pasif])))
But I would like to have a slicer includes values of 301, 601, 901 instead of a set value like 601 in example above. Is it possible to do?
If slicer is 601,
Periyod - Column
400 - Active
700 - Passive
1000 - Passive
So, result is %66
If slicer is 901,
Periyod - Column
400 - Active
700 - Passive
1000 - Passive
So, result is %33
Thanks a lot.