I am getting this "Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later" error on a SQL server 2008r2. We are trying to develop a report for a customer but after installing the latest power bi (today 10th Oct) and I do a test to see if it will work: I import a basic 2 column (6 row) Excel table with just numbers in one column and text in the other, I get no problems when getting the data in, the table view shows you all the data, but when you start building the dashboard you get the big black dreaded X, saying it can't display the visual. I have tried connecting to different sources by the way, its not a source issue. I am attaching the error log because it shows more about the environment on which we are building this for the customer/client.
Feedback Type: Frown (Error) Timestamp: 2016-10-10T10:12:47.4928081Z Local Time: 2016-10-10T06:12:47.4928081-04:00 Product Version: 2.39.4526.362 (PBIDesktop) (x64) Release: September, 2016 IE Version: 9.0.8112.16421 OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (x64 en-US) CLR Version: 4.5.2 or later [Release Number = 379893] Workbook Package Info: 1* - en-US, fastCombine: Disabled. Peak Working Set: 510 MB Private Memory: 372 MB Peak Virtual Memory: 2 GB Error Message: Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later. User ID: Unknown Session ID: 7d7c0c36-ad06-4036-a6c1-97d75789acbf Telemetry Enabled: True Model Default Mode: Import Snapshot Trace Logs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\FrownSnapShot1062393338.zip Performance Trace Logs: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\PerformanceTraces.zip Disabled Preview Features: PBI_RedShift PBI_Impala PBI_Snowflake PBI_shapeMapVisualEnabled PBI_allowBiDiCrossFilterInDirectQuery PBI_forecastEnabled PBI_esriEnabled PBI_mobileReportAuthoringEnabled Disabled DirectQuery Options: DirectQuery_Unrestricted Activity ID: 7d7c0c36-ad06-4036-a6c1-97d75789acbf Time: Mon Oct 10 2016 06:12:43 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Version: 2.39.4526.362 (PBIDesktop) Error Code: rsDataShapeProcessingError OData Error Message: Failed to open the connection. Formulas: section Section1; shared Sheet1 = let Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\test excel data connect.xlsx"), null, true), Sheet1_Sheet = Source{[Item="Sheet1",Kind="Sheet"]}[Data], #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(Sheet1_Sheet), #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"Amount", Int64.Type}, {"Descrip", type text}}) in #"Changed Type";