I am struggling to find the right dax function for one specific problem:
I would like to write a DAX expression that returns a table:
Lets say I have a Master Data Table with all Materials.
I also hav a Transaction Table with all the Purchase Orders.
I would like to get a table with
Column1: Matrial ID
Column2: Number of Purchase Orders
It shoud consider all the currently active filters. So if the year 2015 is filtered it should only contain Materials which have Purchase orders in 2015.
I think basically the Summarize Function would do it:
SUMMARIZE(<table>, <groupBy_columnName>[, <groupBy_columnName>]…[, <name>, <expression>]…)
but actually i want to summarize any rows, but just want to get a filtered table with one or more calculated columns.
I couldnt find the right function for this. Any hints?
Thank you!