I'm having a complete time dimension that works fine with the regular YTD, MTD .....
But I've created a 2nd date field that holds for every date the date of yesterday in that year.
Some example
10/06/2016 Holds 10/05/2016
10/03/2016 Holds 10/05/2016
10/06/2014 Holds 10/05/2014
Even if the user makes no date selections I can compare a 'honest' YTD over the years to see progress over the years.
When I look in the data this field is correct.
But as soon as I used a TOTALYTD on that field it doesn't work.
Here are my formulas ...
Year_Today = DATE(YEAR(TODAY()-1)-IF('Dim_Dates'[Dat_Date]>TODAY()-1;BLANK();DATEDIFF('Dim_Dates'[Dat_Date];TODAY()-1;YEAR));MONTH(TODAY()-1);DAY(TODAY()-1))
YToday Visitors All = TOTALYTD(SUM('Fact_Sessions'[Sess_Visitors_All]); 'Dim_Dates'[Dat_Date]) (Working)
YTDToday Visitors All = TOTALYTD(SUM('Fact_Sessions'[Sess_Visitors_All]); 'Dim_Dates'[Year_Today]) (Funny)
And these are the results
I supose i'm abusing the idea of YTD but have no idea why ....