Does anyone know if this is the expected behvavior of PowerBI? And if so why?
I have a calendar table that is created based on an existing tables date range 'CRM Cases'[Created On]. The calendar table statement is defined as:
Calendar = ADDCOLUMNS( CALENDAR (MINA('CRM Cases'[Created On]), MAXA('CRM Cases'[Created On])), "Date as Integer", FORMAT([Date], "MMDDYYYY"), "Year", YEAR([Date]), "Month Number", FORMAT([Date], "MM"), "Month Year Number", FORMAT([Date], "M/YYYY"), "Month Year Short", FORMAT([Date], "mmm-YYYY" ), "Month Name Short", FORMAT([Date], "mmm" ), "Month Name Long", FORMAT([Date], "mmmm" ), "Day of Week Number", WEEKDAY([Date]), "Day of Week Name", FORMAT([Date], "dddd" ), "Day of Week Name Short", FORMAT([Date], "ddd" ), "Quarter", "Q" & FORMAT([Date], "Q" ), "Year Quarter", "Q" & FORMAT ([Date], "Q" ) & "-" & FORMAT([Date], "YYYY" ) )
The issue that I'm having is this. The table the calendar table is based on has a UTC date/time value for [Created On], values look like this:
6/29/2015 6:09:05 PM +00:00
In the calendar table that gets created based on the statement above the [Date] field values look like this:
6/29/2015 12:00:00 AM
And the issue that I have is that the relationship between these fields are not operating as expected. Here is what happens:
Before the relationship is defined everything looks ok, pleae take note that there are no blank values:
As soon as I create a relationship between the UTC to non-UTC date/time fields I get a blank value field and the relationship doesn't work as expected:
After spending hours on this I finally figured out that if I TRANSFORM the field 'CRM Cases'[Created On] to Date Only it then works as expected.
Is this expected behavior? Or is this a bug?