"Part Number Master" has all part numbers plus various information about each.
"OnHand" has a list of all part numbers that I have a quantity of one or more.. (One part number can be listed various time in various conditions)
I want a distinct count of all "Part Number Master(Part Number)" where "Part Number Master(Assortment)="Y" and "OnHand(Condition) does not equal "NE" or "FN" or "OH".
Basically, I have 119 units that are in my assortment("Y"), and I need to know how many of the 119 that I don't have in "NE" or "FN" or "OH" conditions.
Keep in mind that if I don't have any of the part number in one of those conditions, it may not even appear on the "OnHand" table. It may appear on the "OnHand" table if I have it in a different condition code.
Thanks for your help.