I have one powerBI report which deals with working hours of the employees in company. I made it some time ago and now I need to show some extra information.
Report is fairly simple. It has DimTable calculated in DAX, WorkLog table with date, start, end, employee and log columns (information about work hours) and Employee table with employeeID, employeeName and active columns.
DimTable is connected to WorkLog by date column (two way direction) and Employee table is conected to WorkLog table by employee column (one way).
I also calculated IsWorkingDay column in DimTable which returns true/false - true if that day is not weekend or holiday.
I also added one more column in DimTable which is based on IsWorkingDay. That column, currently named AllWorkingDays returns 1 if it's working day, or 0 if it's not.
What I need to see now is: did employee worked on day when he was supposed to work
In dashboard, I added that AllWorkingDays column and filtered it by employee. What it does, logicaly, it goes frome Employee table, trough WorkLog into DimTable and it shows results already filtered by WorkLog. What I get are non-holiday and non-weekends dates for all the logs that exist. When someone is sick or if employee gets day off, he doesn't put anything in WorkLog. I need to see those dates that don't have logs.
I don't know if I was clear enough...