Hi there,
My requirements are fairly complex and am hoping someone might be able to help out.
At a high level, I want to plot user activity on a map.
- Users can either register or transact.
- The geocordinate of registrations are recorded in a table 'Tracker'
- The table 'Tracker' contains other events, but I am not interested in them
- Transactions are recorded in a table called 'Transactions
- Transactions should be bucketed into two buckets: First Transactions and Subsequent
- Transactions can happen anywhere, including in Locations which are in the database
- A table 'Locations' stores details of locations including geocoordinates
I would like to combine all this data into one table with the following columns:
- Table: a record of where the entry came from (which table)
- Created_on: common field accross the tables but excluding entries from the 'Locations' table
- Created_on_Location: Entries from the Created_on field of the Locations table
- Event Type: Either Register/Location/1st transaction/Transaction [Ignores non 'Register' events from the 'Tracker' table]
- Lat
- Long
- UserID
- LocationID
I appreciate that this is a really really long shot but I am doing this transformation in XL and it would be amazing to be able to do this in PBI. I have created a PBI file with all the tables, including the desired outcome, with sample data in it. I am trying to figure out how to attach the file to this post. In the meanwhile, here is a link to it: 'http://cafepixel.me/attach/AppendingData.pbix The data model described above is shown here: